Saturday, February 16, 2013

Purpose in Life

As I start this blog, I feel compelled to write about purpose in life.  I've heard a couple of songs recently that made me think about purpose and what am I doing with my purpose. One song was "A Few Short Years" by country singer Ty Herndon, where he sings "What's a life if you ain't gonna live it, nothing but a few short years" Another song was by Gospel singer Mandisa called "Waiting For Tomorrow"

"Waiting For Tomorrow"
Maybe tomorrow I'll start over
Maybe tomorrow I will finally change my ways
Said the same things yesterday
Don't know why I'm so afraid
To let you in, to let you win
To let you have all of me

Can't spend my whole life wasting

 Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made me for so much more than
Sitting on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Every day's a day that's borrowed

So, why am I waiting for tomorrow
Maybe today I'll start believing
That you're mercy is really
As real as you say it is
It doesn't matter who I used to be
It only matters that I've been set free
You rescued me you're changing me
Jesus take everything

Can't spend my whole life wasting everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made for so much more than
Sitting on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Every day's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow

  At 39, I still am not sure of my purpose, besides being a wife, sister, friend etc. which are all important things but I want to feel like I'm doing something to help people.  I am creative and compassionate, and I feel that those are my God-given gifts to use for His glory that is why started this blog. At first I was going to just have a coupon and saving money blog because bargain shopping is something enjoy and with the economy, I thought I would share tips and strategies to save money, but I felt God nudging me to do more. There are many things I am passionate about, I enjoy decorating, doing crafts and making a nice home, and I want to blog about those things too, but in the big scheme of things, inspiring others and possibly bringing souls to Christ is so much more important Matthew 4:19- "Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men"

So many people are just going through life, going through the motions, going through life, not feeling a purpose and just trying to make it through the day. God gave us life so that we can have abundant life, not just making through each day as Steven Curtis Chapman sings in the song "More To This Life" 
There's more to this life than living and dying,
More than just trying to make it through the day;
More to this life, more than these eyes alone can see,
And there's more than this life alone can be.
So where do we start to find every part
Of what makes this life complete;
If we turn our eyes, to Jesus we'll find
Life's true beginning is there at the cross where He died.
He died to bring us more to this life.

 These are things I have to remind myself of daily. It's easy just to be complacent and stay in our comfort zones but I don't believe that is what we are called to do. There IS more to this life, more than our eyes can see. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. 
God's blessings to you

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