Saturday, March 2, 2013

Decorating my craft room.

I moved my craft room up to our spare bedroom last summer after my brother moved out. It had been in our 2nd living area but I decided to move it to the spare bedroom upstairs because it was getting too cluttered and anytime anyone came over they could see the mess. My husband and I painted the room last summer and brought up many things from downstairs but I didn't get much further than that. It started becoming a catch-all for things we didn't know what to do with and after Christmas I purchased some clearance Christmas items and they landed in there, and my niece occasionally stays at my house so her play pen and some of her toys and paraphernalia are in there too. So here I am now working on straightening it up and making it a usable space. It is one room I decided to be adventurous in and do something different in. Most of my house is pretty neutral, my bedroom color is called Hazel, it is a pretty blue. Both bathrooms are tan. I don't know what you color you would call our living room, it's kind of a light brown, it is the same color that it was when we moved in, it does go well with our Western theme. Besides the hallways, it is the only place that has the same color that was there when we moved in four years ago. The second living area was a maroon color, very dark, I decided on a color called cashew and I liked it on the swatch but it ended up looking peach, didn't really care for it but didn't want to paint it again. We did, however,  this summer get some extra paint like the Hazel color of our bedroom and are planning to paint it sometime soon. We painted 3 rooms last summer and got kind of "painted out". We painted our kitchen and my craft room the same kind of green, but I decided to do a distressed treatment in my craft room, since nobody really goes in there but me I decided to be adventurous. In the past, I wouldn't have done so, my husband has his own office and I have my craft room so I thought why not?! At first, I was a little heavy handed with the distressing and still need to fix it. I love bright colors but don't have the guts to use them much. I have really been into the Junk Gypsy style, if you're not familiar with the Junk Gypsies, they are two sisters from Texas who have a show on HGTV and they hunt for rustic, antique, etc. at flea markets, antique shops, etc., then they decorate rooms using the stuff they found. They use lots of bright colors and do a lot distressing and antiquing. They also repurpose and make things out of "junk", as they call it. They use a lot of turquoise and fuchsia, so I decided to paint my closet doors and the back of the entry door a turquoise then antique it. I am mostly happy with it, I am a perfectionist so I always feel like something I work on needs tweaking, but sometimes the more you try to tweak something you end up making a mess so I try to leave well enough alone. Then I painted the inside of the closet fuchsia, and wow was it bright so I toned it down by dry brushing a little brown over it and now I like it much better. It's not a style everyone will like, but it's bright and cheery and makes me smile and that's the important part!! Your home should reflect who you are!! I have many times gone for what is popular at the time, but on the most part I am pretty traditional and like things that don't go out of style. I try to buy things that I really like. I only buy fabric covered furniture new,  but I do like getting wooden furniture and painting it or if it has a nice wood grain I will keep it as is. I also like getting decorative items at thrift stores, estate sales  and yard sales and cleaning it up, I enjoy repurposing and painting them.
When I started this post,  I intended on just talking about my craft room but I guess I'm just procrastinating getting started on said craft room, ha ha! So I better get started! I will post pictures when I get done straightening it and you can see what I was talking about.  I am including this pic of a handy item I like to use for my crafts-a clear shoe holder, they are great for small items that that get lost in baskets and boxes, and you can see what is in there. This one is from Kmart and has 24 openings. I better get to work, so I can get some pictures soon!
God's blessings,

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